What the purpose for this app?


The app’s mission is to make the user feel like they are accomplishing a small daily task in their life and being rewarded a gift of life, aka a tree. In the past couple of years, around the world, fires struck and destroy thousands of acres of land and forests, and it doesn’t include deforestation from high-level companies. People witness the fires across social media and feel like they can’t do anything about it. For the reason of the app, doing daily tasks that improve your health and the environment around you should award you with the satisfaction of helping an environment that was affected by these deadly fires.

The purpose of green thumb: Completing daily and/or weekly personal tasks rewards the user a tree planted around the world in your honor. These tasks are simple as going outside, enjoying the great outdoors, to taking a jog. Each task varies by how much the person achieves, and the rewards also vary from how difficult the task is.

Rough Sketches

Full Case Study and Description of Green Thumb App Project is located at my Behance.net Page


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